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General Art – Fine Arts B

“We don’t make mistakes. We just have happy accidents.” Bob Ross
Come learn how to turn happy accidents into fun paintings. We’re going to explore painting with acrylic paints this semester. In this low-pressure class we’ll learn how to mix paints, work with different tools and surfaces, and just find ways to use painting as a relaxing outlet for our creativity.
We’ll attempt to do one painting per class period. We will touch on color theory, talk about some famous painters and their styles of paintings. Homework will be low. Maybe some videos on techniques or painters just to help us keep our spirit of curiosity alive and well.

General Art – Fine Arts A

“We don’t make mistakes. We just have happy accidents.” Bob Ross
Come learn how to turn happy accidents into fun paintings. We’re going to explore painting with acrylic paints this semester. In this low-pressure class we’ll learn how to mix paints, work with different tools and surfaces, and just find ways to use painting as a relaxing outlet for our creativity.
We’ll attempt to do one painting per class period. We will touch on color theory, talk about some famous painters and their styles of paintings. Homework will be low. Maybe some videos on techniques or painters just to help us keep our spirit of curiosity alive and well.

French I

Bonjour!  Did you know that over 200 million people in over 50 countries speak the French language?  And did you know that French is the official language of the United Nations, NATO, the International Red Cross and the Olympic Committee?  It’s true!  In fact, you probably already know some French words and phrases that are commonly used in English today: chauffer (driver); chef (cook); déja vu (already seen).  How many times have you said “excusez-moi” (excuse me)?  In this course, we will work on building your French foundation by focusing on four key areas: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.  A variety of methods and resources will be used to encourage conversation, exchange of information, and expression of feelings, emotions, and opinions in written and oral French.  French will be used as much as possible in order to create a fun and immersive environment; however, English will be used to explain grammar and to introduce cultural concepts. Use of an online textbook will provide you with continuous access to native, audio files, songs, and flashcards, as well as, cultural videos.  What are you waiting for?!  Allons-y!

Junior High Art A

Learn to see, think, and draw like an architect! The first of two semester-long courses will introduce students to architectural design thinking and representation through freehand and technical drawing exercises. We will focus on translating between 2D and 3D drawing and visualization while learning the standard orthographic views in architectural drawings – plan, elevation, and section. Students will be exposed to various architects and works of architecture throughout the course.

Weekly assignments will consist of a sketchbook or drafting assignment as well as a reading requirement. A weekly assessment will account for the completion of the reading assignment. Three projects will be done during the semester. For the final design project students will create architectural drawings consisting of plan, elevation, and section and then present their projects in the final class. This course is a prerequisite for Intro to Architecture II.

Language Arts Bridge – GROUP 2

In Language Arts Bridge, students will explore grammar, writing, and reading in order to grow as communicators. Students will gain greater mastery in recognition and usage of elements of English grammar and mechanics. They will learn to manipulate different parts of speech, clauses, and sentence types in order to communicate effectively through writing. Students will also craft several short pieces of writing, each with a specific purpose and style, as they learn structure and support their claims with transitions and details. We’ll work to reinforce editing skills by applying grammar principles to our own writing, as our goal is for students to be able to produce interesting, purposeful writing supported by strong sentences, appropriate stylistics, and accurate grammar. Finally, students will read and analyze literature independently and as a class, practicing comprehension, critical thinking, and literary analysis techniques. The course will offer many opportunities for students to enjoy language arts and to think deeply about the way we read, write, and communicate.

*Note: While this course also uses Rod & Staff’s Progressing with Courage (Grade 6), that book will serve as a sourcebook. Students who have already taken Introduction to Language Arts will work on different exercises and with new examples from what they have seen previously. (Introduction to Language Arts is not necessarily a prerequisite.)

General Art – Digital Art A

“We don’t make mistakes. We just have happy accidents.” Bob Ross
Come learn how to turn happy accidents into fun paintings. We’re going to explore painting with acrylic paints this semester. In this low-pressure class we’ll learn how to mix paints, work with different tools and surfaces, and just find ways to use painting as a relaxing outlet for our creativity.
We’ll attempt to do one painting per class period. We will touch on color theory, talk about some famous painters and their styles of paintings. Homework will be low. Maybe some videos on techniques or painters just to help us keep our spirit of curiosity alive and well.