Current Coupon Codes

Foundations of Composition – (Structure and Form) – SPRING

Writing well is an essential life skill. Foundations of Composition introduces students to essay structure, engaging organization and outline skills, thesis, introduction, and conclusion techniques, pre-writing strategies, MLA format, and in-depth editing to grow students in skill and confidence. Students will learn personal narrative, descriptive, expository, process, MLA comparison essay, and timed essay writing. They will continue to practice advanced grammar and punctuation as they perfect their composition skills. Students may write on subjects they are passionate about within each essay’s parameters. This provides room for essays to be integrated with multiple subjects and student interests. This course is ideal for students new to academic writing or for those who wish to master quality essay writing skills.

English I: Introduction to Literary Analysis and Composition – GROUP 3 – ALMOST FULL

High school literature adventures begin in this genre-driven course that immerses students in the study of elements of the short story, poetry, drama, fiction, and non-fiction. With extensive study of literary devices, students will gain confidence in academic discourse and analysis utilizing responsible writing practices that will prepare students for successful high school English mastery. Through rich literary discussion and guided reading and annotation (both inside and outside of the classroom), students will discover a treasury of truth in the words of well-known and well-loved literature. The course includes reading comprehension, vocabulary, and composition. Students will write literary analysis compositions as well as participate in discussions aimed to build insight, answer questions, and gain communication skills. Vocabulary from the texts themselves is included, and quizzes will be given. Because of the dialogue nature of this class, a functioning microphone is required.

World Geography – GROUP 2

In this year-long course, students will study both physical geography (climate, topography, landforms, map reading) and cultural geography (how people live around the world). Because geography is such an interdisciplinary subject, students will enjoy exploring connections to other fields such as science, history, religion, politics, and economics. Each week students will complete weekly assignments that are based on readings in the textbook and in the student activities manual. Using assigned map work exercises, by the end of the school year, students will have labelled all of the countries of the world, world capitals, and many bodies of water! Projects, short writing assignments, and class discussions will give students the opportunity to communicate their ideas about the different places and cultures they will study. Advances in technology and ease of transportation have made our world seem smaller, and learning about the geography of our amazing world will help prepare students for the realities of life in the 21st century.


I love all my classmates and my teacher. I like my class and French is really fun.