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Tips for Preparing a Moist Turkey

Tips for Preparing a Moist Turkey

On the fourth Thursday in November, the American tradition of Thanksgiving has continued since the early 1600s. This is a special time to reflect on life with a grateful heart and celebrate the provisions given to each family. This gathering has been handed down for...
The Great American Eclipse of 2017

The Great American Eclipse of 2017

I’m continuing the topic of the upcoming solar eclipse known as the Great American Eclipse. The states the eclipse will traverse are, in order: Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina, and South...
The Total Solar Eclipse of 1919

The Total Solar Eclipse of 1919

The Total Solar Eclipse of 1919  Today I want to explain how the total solar eclipse in 1919 made Albert Einstein a celebrity. To do that, I must refer to his General Theory of Relativity. And I simply cannot grasp it. I was taught it, I’ve read about it, I’ve watched...
The Power of Point of View

The Power of Point of View

If you write much at all, you’ve probably run into issues within your writing. Maybe you realize that a character isn’t coming across the way he/she needs to. Maybe you run into a snag in the plot. Maybe you simply don’t know where the story is going. There could be...