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Christian Worldview: Disillusionment

Christian Worldview: Disillusionment

Disillusionment: The Christian Response  Do you remember the scene in the movie Braveheart when William Wallace is betrayed by Scottish noblemen? He thought they were on his side during a crucial battle against England only to learn they had been bought off. The...
The Great American Eclipse of 2017

The Great American Eclipse of 2017

I’m continuing the topic of the upcoming solar eclipse known as the Great American Eclipse. The states the eclipse will traverse are, in order: Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina, and South...
The Total Solar Eclipse of 1919

The Total Solar Eclipse of 1919

The Total Solar Eclipse of 1919  Today I want to explain how the total solar eclipse in 1919 made Albert Einstein a celebrity. To do that, I must refer to his General Theory of Relativity. And I simply cannot grasp it. I was taught it, I’ve read about it, I’ve watched...
Astronomy: Lost and Found

Astronomy: Lost and Found

Astronomy is by far the oldest science. Adam and Eve certainly marked off their days by the rising and setting sun, and marked their months by the moon’s phases. They watched the star patterns come and go with the seasons. And about one hundred years ago, astronomers...