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Defining our Roles: Teacher, Student, Parent

Defining our Roles: Teacher, Student, Parent

It is easy to define our roles when we are teaching our children at home.  My role, as parent and home educator, is to disseminate information in a creative and interesting way while my child is to learn the information in the best way for him.  But things can get a...

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Using History to Teach Critical Thinking Skills

Using History to Teach Critical Thinking Skills

Exploring Historical Perspectives for Critical Thinking Development One of the most important tools we can give our students is the ability to think critically.  In this age of unlimited social media sharing, fake news, and hidden agendas, it has never been more...

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A Frank Lloyd Wright-inspired Drafting Project

A Frank Lloyd Wright-inspired Drafting Project

Frank Lloyd Wright called it “organic architecture.” In the early 20th century, Wright developed his style of architecture which emphasized integration with the landscape, use of natural materials, and open, flowing space that connected inside and outside. The first...

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Letter to a Homeschool Mom

Letter to a Homeschool Mom

Dear Homeschool Mom, I know that this time of year can be hard.  The excitement and newness of the school year has given way to exhaustion and routine.  The questions tumble through your mind: Am I doing the right thing for my children?  If God wants me to homeschool,...

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Longer Literary Works to Read Before High School Graduation

Longer Literary Works to Read Before High School Graduation

Reading is imperative! Joseph Addison, a 17th century English poet and playwright, said that, “Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.” It is a truth that is universal, spanning time and space. Studying novels and longer pieces of work (like plays) is an...

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Why Should I Outsource History?

Why Should I Outsource History?

AS HOMESCHOOL PARENTS, WE HAVE A LOT OF DECISIONS TO MAKE REGARDING CURRICULUM AND CLASSES.   Do I teach a subject myself, or do I outsource it? This a big question to answer. There are a number of subjects that many parents find difficult to teach. Math and science,...

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How to Immerse Yourself in Foreign Language Using Technology

How to Immerse Yourself in Foreign Language Using Technology

Embracing Technological Immersion: Mastering Foreign Languages from Anywhere We all agree that one of the best ways to learn a foreign language is to completely immerse yourself in the country where that language is spoken, right?  After all, the goal of an immersion...

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Bugs, Bugs, and MORE Bugs

Bugs, Bugs, and MORE Bugs

How do you feel about bugs? I have a confession… I HATE bugs.  Really.  I can’t stand them.  You might ask: how can a science teacher not like bugs?  I don’t know if I’ve always disliked creepy crawlies.  In fact, I’m not sure where it all started.  But I do love to...

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