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What’s in a Lab Report?

What’s in a Lab Report?

What Should be in a Lab Report? You’re a high school student and have just performed a lab at home.  You collected the equipment, read and followed the procedure, and jotted down the results.  Now what?  Well, it is important to learn how to master the typed lab...

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Selecting a Grammar Program

Selecting a Grammar Program

Studying grammar has many proven benefits, among them an increased ability to craft a variety of sentence types and to analyze the writing structures of others. So, in addition to improving students’ own writing, understanding English grammar will help those students...

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Mark It Up:  Tools for Annotating

Mark It Up: Tools for Annotating

Pros and Cons of Annotating Tools I grew up in an educational environment where writing in books was discouraged; thankfully, my parents had a different mindset and allowed me to annotate in my books from an early age.  I credit this practice for instilling a love for...

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Learn From Food, Part 1: New England Region

Learn From Food, Part 1: New England Region

Teaching History and Geography Through Cuisine, Part 1: New England Region The United States is divided into a variety of regions. In this post, I will introduce the New England states, which are Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode...

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Telling A Story With Sound – A Student Project

Telling A Story With Sound – A Student Project

Crafting Cinematic Narratives: The Art of Sound in Student Filmmaking​ A famous film director once said that “...70% of a film is sound.” I don’t know that we can put a number on it, but one of the most important lessons beginning filmmakers can learn is the...

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Is French Just for France?

Is French Just for France?

I believe that French is a very useful language and obviously très cool, but what if you don't plan on going to France? Is learning French still practical? Of course it is! But, I would say that because I'm a French teacher, right? Well, I decided to test my theory...

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Engaging with Content in United States History

Engaging with Content in United States History

Diving Deep: Exploring Key Moments in United States History ​Even though the United States is only 242 years old, its history is very rich. It is impossible for any teacher to expose students to every aspect of American History in a one-year course. In order to give...

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Chemistry Students Learn by Doing

Chemistry Students Learn by Doing

Exploring Chemistry Through Hands-On Labs Why are hands-on labs so important? What can a student learn from this approach? My favorite part of teaching science classes is performing labs. Experiments allow students to learn the material in a different way and for many...

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Beyond the Paper: Why Creative Projects Are Enriching

Beyond the Paper: Why Creative Projects Are Enriching

Unlocking Literary Depth: The Power of Creative Projects​ As an English teacher, you will never hear me discredit the merit of writing a good analysis paper. There’s something magical about formulating a well-tuned claim and finding the precise evidence and wording to...

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