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Gourmet Foods from the Winnie: Success on the Go!

Gourmet Foods from the Winnie: Success on the Go!

Winnebago Adventures: Gourmet Foods and Tips for Traveling Chefs Camping is a fond memory from my childhood, but with homeschooling this has been an adventure. My parents are close to retirement, so they have purchased a Winnebago for weekend and seasonal trips. At...

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Why Study Architecture in High School

Why Study Architecture in High School

I was 16 when I decided I wanted to be an architect, but beyond my high school drafting class, I had no idea what an architect actually does. Not to mention my knowledge of what architecture is. I couldn’t imagine much outside of quaint, suburban housing. I had never...

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How Does a Bill Become a Law: The Legislative Process

How Does a Bill Become a Law: The Legislative Process

Have you ever wondered about the steps of the legislative process? Maybe you’ve even asked yourself how a bill becomes a law? The legislative process is an important aspect of our American governmental system and an area that my American Government course with...

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Christian Worldview: Disillusionment

Christian Worldview: Disillusionment

Disillusionment: The Christian Response  Do you remember the scene in the movie Braveheart when William Wallace is betrayed by Scottish noblemen? He thought they were on his side during a crucial battle against England only to learn they had been bought off. The...

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Why Study History From a Christian Worldview?

Why Study History From a Christian Worldview?

The Significance of Studying History from a Christian Perspective ​Worldview is the lens through which people view the world. For Christians, that worldview is centered around the Bible being God’s true and inspired word. When studying history through the lens of...

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Navigating Social Studies: What Does My Child Need to Take?

Navigating Social Studies: What Does My Child Need to Take?

As an online teacher and former history department chair, I have been asked this question many times. While the scope and sequence of some subjects are fairly straightforward, deciding when to take social studies classes (history, geography, government, or economics)...

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7 Tips For Improving Your French Accent

7 Tips For Improving Your French Accent

Speaking French is much more than just using correct grammar and vocabulary. The French people place great emphasis on the proper pronunciation of their language and are more willing to overlook a grammar mistake here and there if you have a lovely French accent. Any...

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The Problem With Word Problems

The Problem With Word Problems

“Why are these problems so long and wordy?” I hear this or similar questions from my students every time we work on a lengthy word problem. Maybe you have heard it from your own children. Well, I have several great answers for them, even the student who is not...

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I’m Tired and They’re Bored: How to Use Virtual Clubs

I’m Tired and They’re Bored: How to Use Virtual Clubs

It’s no secret, at least among homeschoolers, that socialization is not a problem. I remembered chuckling and nodding my head in agreement when one parent responded to the perennial query “What about socialization?” by stating, “Oh. Yes. We have way too much of that....

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