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Letter to a Homeschool Mom

Letter to a Homeschool Mom

Dear Homeschool Mom, I know that this time of year can be hard.  The excitement and newness of the school year has given way to exhaustion and routine.  The questions tumble through your mind: Am I doing the right thing for my children?  If God wants me to homeschool,...
Bugs, Bugs, and MORE Bugs

Bugs, Bugs, and MORE Bugs

How do you feel about bugs? I have a confession… I HATE bugs.  Really.  I can’t stand them.  You might ask: how can a science teacher not like bugs?  I don’t know if I’ve always disliked creepy crawlies.  In fact, I’m not sure where it all started.  But I do love to...
The DNA Makes Protein!

The DNA Makes Protein!

Starting the DNA unit in biology each year in November is one of my favorite times of the school year! We start with a little introduction song to get us pumped up and also learn that the basic function of DNA is, well, to make protein! If you’re not sure about that,...