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Can Math Draw You Closer to God?

Can Math Draw You Closer to God?

Exploring the Fibonacci Sequence: A Mathematical Journey in God’s Creation Lately, I have been entranced with spiders. The bigger the better. The furrier the cooler. The more active the more enticing. I start each morning with a hot cup of coffee in hand, go to...
Three Important Things Hamilton Got Wrong

Three Important Things Hamilton Got Wrong

Historical Inaccuracies in Hamilton: Debunking Common Misconceptions In 2015, a new musical appeared on the scene. It was almost an instant hit.  The musical was modern, the characters were colorful, and the subject was a fresh look at one of the founding fathers –...
Homeschooling When Your Mom is Not a Fan

Homeschooling When Your Mom is Not a Fan

As homeschoolers, we get used to people commenting on our decision on how to educate our children.  Random people in the grocery store, friends, neighbors, and in-laws all feel perfectly free to comment and even outright question the decision made as a family.  But...
Art Projects to do at Home with Kids

Art Projects to do at Home with Kids

Do your kids have a little extra time on their hands right now? Here are some fun ideas for art projects to put those little hands to work! I have included ideas that will work with all ages, from toddlers to teens. These are all projects that I have done at home with...