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Mark It Up:  Tools for Annotating

Mark It Up: Tools for Annotating

Pros and Cons of Annotating Tools I grew up in an educational environment where writing in books was discouraged; thankfully, my parents had a different mindset and allowed me to annotate in my books from an early age.  I credit this practice for instilling a love for...
Unlocking Poetry

Unlocking Poetry

If your student complains about studying poetry, rest assured that you are not alone! Of the various elements of literature that I teach, the one that undoubtedly is met with the most skepticism is poetry. I am never surprised, but I am always a little sad to see that...
The Power of Point of View

The Power of Point of View

If you write much at all, you’ve probably run into issues within your writing. Maybe you realize that a character isn’t coming across the way he/she needs to. Maybe you run into a snag in the plot. Maybe you simply don’t know where the story is going. There could be...