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How Can Studying Psychology Help Me TODAY?

How Can Studying Psychology Help Me TODAY?

Practical Applications of Psychology: Enhancing Daily Life Why study psychology? I get asked this question a lot. After 20 years of creatively trying to inspire the asker of the question to see how amazing and far-reaching experience in the field of psychology can be,...

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Need A COVID-Friendly Fun Family Activity?

Need A COVID-Friendly Fun Family Activity?

Discover the Joy of Outdoor Exploration with Geocaching! Are you and your children tired of being stuck inside because of COVID? Is everyone tired of the same old thing? Well, here’s something fun you can do to get everyone excited about getting outdoors again. Go...

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The Power of Poetry to Improve Writing

The Power of Poetry to Improve Writing

“Poetry is a window, a way to see inside” (H. Wallace 1). When we study poetry, we discern our inner world and speak into the outer world words that shape history. We follow in the footsteps of master poets who teach us how to play with words to evoke deep emotion,...

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The Book vs. the Movie: More Than Meets the Eye

The Book vs. the Movie: More Than Meets the Eye

Which is better: Michelangelo’s The Creation of Adam on the Sistine Chapel ceiling or Haydn’s oratorio The Creation? While you might prefer one over the other, it’s unfair to declare one as “better” because they are completely different art forms. How many times have...

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Are You Stressed? Five Tips to De-Stress Right Now

Are You Stressed? Five Tips to De-Stress Right Now

Let’s face it; times are tough right now. Just about everything in our world feels turned upside down thanks to COVID. Many of us have lost our regular sources of social support as we find our in-person co-ops or other classes, sports teams, prayer groups, mom’s...

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