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The #1 Way to Enjoy Your Next Museum Visit

The #1 Way to Enjoy Your Next Museum Visit

I need to let you in on the #1 way to ensure you enjoy your next museum visit, and it has to do with LEGOs. Since we have been talking about museum visits the past few weeks, and you now have some amazing strategies to get into museums for free or cheap from my last...

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The Foodie Generation: Taking Eating Online!

The Foodie Generation: Taking Eating Online!

The Foodie Generation A foodie is defined by Merriam Webster’s dictionary as “a person having an avid interest in the latest food fads.” This is not a new concept; for centuries people have been labeled gourmets, epicures, gastronomes, or gourmands. As a culture, we...

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Homeschooling Junior High Students … You Can Do This!

Homeschooling Junior High Students … You Can Do This!

“Why in the world would I ever want to teach Junior High science?” At one point in my teaching career, this is what I would have said. However, for the last seven years that is all I have taught… and I love it! Junior High is a tough age for students. They are not...

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Online Homeschooling: When All Else Fails

Online Homeschooling: When All Else Fails

I think most homeschooling parents who begin when their children are young would agree that at some point, things just get hard. As children grow older and more of them arrive, many moms encounter the difficulty of the number of children and preparations required....

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Cheap Culture – Enjoying Museums for Free (or Almost Free)

Cheap Culture – Enjoying Museums for Free (or Almost Free)

"Do you want to get into museums, but can afford it?  Do you want to know the admission hacks to get in for free or cheap?  Read on! We would all agree that museums, science centers, and historical sites are wonderful and educational spaces. They may even cross over...

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Applying Critical Thinking Skills in Legal Analysis

Applying Critical Thinking Skills in Legal Analysis

What is Critical Thinking and Why it is Important? What exactly is Critical Thinking? How would you define the term? In my opinion, Critical Thinking is most easily defined as logical reasoning. It is the process by which we break down and synthesize facts to reach a...

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Bone Weary: When Homeschooling Isn’t Fun

Bone Weary: When Homeschooling Isn’t Fun

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.  Matthew 11:28-30   Behind the...

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Consider the Value of the Short Story!

Consider the Value of the Short Story!

Traditionally, short stories have gone overlooked. Short stories are often overlooked in favor of novels. Though longer works are certainly valuable, short stories should be recognized as an instrumental source of social and historical context, as well as literary...

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Stretch Reading: Why Reading Hard Stuff Matters

Stretch Reading: Why Reading Hard Stuff Matters

Stretch Reading: How (and Why!) to Get Through Those Books You Just Do not Like. A recent bestseller for the Christian youth market had an intriguing title: Do Hard Things. I am a sucker for a bold, audacious title. In any case, I really like the title of that book...

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Why Go to a Museum If I Have the Web?

Why Go to a Museum If I Have the Web?

The Curious Truth Art history education online seems like the most wonderful pursuit. I have the wealth of the world’s museums at my fingertips as I peruse some of my favorite sites, like the Met or even Google Arts and Culture. People can virtually sit in a chair and...

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