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Classic Astronomy – ALMOST FULL


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Classic Astronomy – ALMOST FULL


Deposit Due at Time of Registration:

This course is ALMOST FULL.

Astronomy is the oldest science. From the rising and setting of the sun; the changing appearance of the moon; constellations arriving in their season; etc… all have been observed and studied by ancient civilizations. Astronomy links us to Noah and Abraham and Solomon. Did you know ancient Egypt had accurately measured the year down to the hour? This course recaptures what nearly everyone knew before the modern age of artificial light and clocks and printed calendars.

The Astronomy Lab is outside. Students have numerous sun, moon and stars observation assignments; sometimes measuring, sometimes plotting, sometimes just locating. Everything up there is on the move; we seek to discover what that movement is all about and how it impacts us.

This course includes a look at modern astronomical discoveries as well as Biblical and ancient references. It’s a survey course for the whole family.

Please view prerequisites and required supplies below.

Course Details

Live Meetings

Course Min/Max

Homework Load

Date & Time

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Age Range

Class Duration


Signs and Seasons by Jay Ryan, ISBN: 978-0-9792211-0-1
Astronomy Workbook by Lt Col Eugene Doremus, ISBN: 9781512217582  (Amazon only)

Lt. Col. Gene Doremus grew up on a dairy farm in upstate New York in a very large family: eight brothers and six sisters. After nine enlisted years in the Air Force, he became an officer and served twenty-two more years, retiring as a Lieutenant Colonel. Most of his career was in munitions or aircraft maintenance where he proudly served on the deployed headquarters staff during Desert Shield/Desert Storm. His claim to fame came immediately after 9/11 when he led the U.S. Central Command’s Joint Munitions Office for Operation Enduring Freedom. Retiring in 2005, he taught JROTC for six years.

Check our calendar for start dates

4 reviews for Classic Astronomy – ALMOST FULL (5/5 stars)

  1. Parent J.

    The Astronomy class was fascinating for my 17 year old. We loved that it is taught from a Christian perspective and my daughter learned a lot.

    Lt. Col. Doremus is a fun teacher and makes the class very engaging. My daughter especially appreciated his humor, his love for the subject and how interactive the class times were with student engagement.

    Also, the homework assignments were interactive and fun to do.

  2. Student L.

    Very good and entertaining course. It starts of slow so you can get the hang of the course but it picks up speed and gets more and more interesting as the weeks go on. Lt. Col. Is an amazing teacher and is very entertaining. I find myself constantly using what I learned in class every time I look at the sky. Definitely recommend.

  3. J.R.

    Just out watching a meteor shower with my son last night. We were commenting on how much this class was beneficial and how everyone should take this course. (My son took it over a year ago and still goes back to things he learned.) Assignments actually got the whole family out enjoying the sky, measuring the arc of the sun, and learning constellations. My son loved Lt. Col D’s teaching style and both of use would highly recommend this to anyone, simple to enhance your entire life! Definitely take this class!

  4. Catherine G

    In this class, the activities are wonderfully engaging and left our whole family thirsting for what would come next the following week. From observing and comparing where the Sun rose and set at the beginning and end of the semester, to building a backyard compass based on the position of the Sun, and observing all sorts of night-time sky objects, my whole family was “all-in” in this class. My son couldn’t wait until this class started each week, but I must admit that I was excited to listen in and learn as well. With this class, my son finished up the last of all of the classes Lt Col Doremus teaches, so he was pretty sad to hit the end of the semester and realize that his remaining high school years would not have Lt Col Doremus in them.

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