Comments on: The Beacon Newspaper Club Christian teachers committed to excellence in instruction Thu, 28 Mar 2024 18:40:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kathy M. Thu, 28 Mar 2024 18:35:57 +0000 I just wanted to pop in and say how much I appreciate Mrs. Anderson and the time she spends with the students on the Beacon. This is an incredible labor of love and my student has learned a TON about planning articles, interviewing, working together on a journalistic team, and the journalistic style of writing. We are not planning to go into the field, but the concepts learned will impact for a lifetime. The team is such a special and fun group of kids that even get together online to do team bonding activities, have some laughs and just chat about life as homeschoolers. I am so thankful that my student could be a part of it.

By: Rebecca Sun, 03 Mar 2024 01:23:18 +0000 Our son is in 10th grade and is wrapping up his first year with The Beacon. It has been an extremely positive experience. He chose to become involved because he wants to pursue a career in sports broadcasting/journalism. Mrs. Anderson is very encouraging and offers guidance through the entire process – while also allowing students to gain independence. One thing we appreciate is that the meetings are held in the late evenings, so they don’t conflict with other classes or a busy schedule. Being involved with this club offers some social opportunities through monthly meetings and chances to be involved with other Excelsior events. Skills like time management, planning, and written and verbal communication can all be fine-tuned through this experience. Even though he was not previously involved with Excelsior or taking other classes this year, joining went smoothly. He will remain with The Beacon next year and plans to take some other Excelsior classes as well. Highly recommend it!

By: Laura D. Wed, 31 Jan 2024 19:23:54 +0000 3 of my 4 daughters have been involved with the Beacon newspaper. It has been such an incredible growth experience for all of them. From leading team meetings where they communicate the vision for a particular issue, to writing/editing and designing the layout for the paper, my girls were stretched in so many ways. They practiced time management and had to meet deadlines and contribute their part for the team, as newspaper publication truly is a collaborative effort! They had to learn how to work with all sorts of different personalities and resolve differences of opinion tactfully. Mrs. Anderson is an excellent mentor for these kids and she genuinely knows how to motivate and get the best out of them. Highly recommend getting involved! My girls grew in so many valuable ways. The life lessons learned will benefit them through college and beyond.

By: Renee R. Wed, 24 Jan 2024 18:58:07 +0000 The Beacon Newspaper Club has been an outstanding experience for my daughter. The learning opportunities this club offers are numerous; professional communication, personal goal setting and project management all come to mind. My daughter has expressed this is a really great community that has offered a place of belonging and satisfaction in working toward something greater than an individual project. Ms Anderson’s leadership and direction is generous and spacious. She intentionally offers support and help while allowing this to be a student led endeavor.

By: Elicia Fri, 12 Jan 2024 18:05:14 +0000 My daughter has been part of the Beacon for the past 3 years. Although she’s not planning on going into journalism she has enjoyed each position she’s had on the newspaper and I feel her writing skills have improved tremendously. Now that she’s an editor she’s growing in leadership skills as well. Mrs. Anderson is an incredible mentor. As a bonus my daughter has also made friends in the newspaper staff !
