Comments on: 20th Century History, Politics, and Worldview – 1900-1945 Christian teachers committed to excellence in instruction Tue, 16 Apr 2024 12:10:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: S.G. Sun, 17 Dec 2023 02:13:02 +0000 Ms. Patton — Thank you so much for an amazing class — it was everything I hoped it would be for my student. He was challenged with writing and discussing from a place of critical thinking. It led to some deep dinner conversations as well. I’m thankful for the environment that encourages thinking and discussion rather than rote memorization.

By: Student B Wed, 06 Dec 2023 02:49:54 +0000 I really enjoyed this class. The grading was good, class wasn’t boring, and while it did require a lot of reading, I usually enjoyed the books chosen. Plus the questions that were asked in the reading quizes were always insteresting. They were never just the surface lever “what happened in the book,” there was more of a focus on analysis and how they related to class, as the questions typically were about either the undertones, symbolism, or the human nature involved. All in all really don’t have any faults with this class!

By: Student J Mon, 04 Dec 2023 15:18:32 +0000 Assignments were fun yet deep. Everything was based around critical thinking– a perfect “how to think” and not “what to think” approach. The lectures were always interesting, too. I loved the test format based on writing essays rather than multiple-choice. Honestly, despite how hard I’m trying to think of anything wrong with the class, no faults come to mind.

By: William Mon, 04 Dec 2023 15:12:03 +0000